In Ximplify mail service,there a storage location provided in server for user to store files and share it with others.The steps as below:
1) Please log into your webmail interface.
2) Navigate to File Storage. There will be a 'Root Folder' allocate for user by default,however if user want to make a new folders/subfolder,can click on action tab.Then proceed to click 'Upload'
3) After each files successfully been uploaded into server,user can change the file properties by select the file and click 'Edit'
a) Link expires - a limitation for each link to be access based on date and time select by file owner.
b) Password - a features for only authenticate recipients with password that can access/read/view the file.
c) Public URL - a link that can be share to public instead of share through email for other to access the file
4) To start sharing the file , please compose a new message and click 'Link From'.Then it will appear the File Storage icon.Click it and it will lead to all files that been uploaded previously.Select it and click 'OK'
5) Finally,you can start sharing.