1. When asked for the mailbox protocol, select "Exchange 2007 SP1 or Later".

and then tick All -> Next

2. On the Account Settings portion of the migration you will need to log in to your Office 365 account and to get the Server Address for your Office 365 account. To do this, simply log in to your account and get it from the log in URL. For example, if your log in URL is something like https://ch1prd0412.outlook.com/owa, you will want to use "chr1prd-412.outlook.com" as the Server Address you're migrating from.

 - Use the full email address you use to log in to Office 365 as your Username. For example, JDoe@example.com.

 - Use your domain name as the Domain for the migration. For example, if you log in with JDoe@example.com you'll just need to use example.com for the domain.

- You will need to check the Requires SSL checkbox,then click Next

3. Once successful,click 'Start'