1) Login to Ximplify webmail at https://mail.domainname.com
2) Click on the Settings button on the left (It looks like a gear icon)
3) Expand the Advance Settings folder.
4) Click on Mailbox Migration
5) This will pop up a new window for the Mailbox Migration
6) As you can see you have different options to choose from but in this tutorial we’re going to use the option Gmail then click "Next"
7) Now place a check mark next to Email and other features you want and click on the "Next" button
8) Please enter your google mail credential and click 'authorize Google',then it will lead you to the gmail interface for your to allow and save the credential.Next click 'Test connection'
9) If the connection works,please click "Next"
10) Click Start
11) Once the Migration status show Done, can close the Migration pop-up.