IMAP retrieval service will download email messages from another server via IMAP and deliver them to your Ximplify mailbox. One primary difference between IMAP and POP is that an IMAP account will leave the original messages on the original mail server by default. The other primary difference is that IMAP allows the retrieval of ALL messages in all folders of the external mailbox, while POP will only download the contents from the Inbox. 

1. Go to Settings > Connectivity > Under Email Retrieval click New Retrieval Task

2. Fill up others email credential as per below and click Test Connection. If connection is good, you able to Save it. We are suggest to put it on Subfolder.

2.  You may set whether to manually retrieve the email or set it automatically.

3. Once done, you will see others email on your mailbox.

A nice complement to Email Retrieval is SMTP Accounts. When used together, users can send and receive email from external accounts directly within Ximplify.